
Email Marketing

email marketing

Connect with  your Audience by email

email marketing strategies

Email Marketing is among the top 3 performing digital marketing tactics

Social media channels might be the first thing on mind on digital marketing but email marketing is still one of the most important digital marketing activities as it delivers excellent outcomes on very reasonable cost. Besides direct results that are fully measurable. A great benefit of email marketing is the positive influence it generates on other channels like mobile marketing, mass or social media. When combined in a multi-channel strategy it can multiply outcomes.

email marketing

Performance & GDPR Compliance

We develop opt-in newsletter subscribers to legally collect emails in full compliance with the GDPR. The actual messages are designed tailored on your target groups with addictive subject lines and exciting content. GDPR has changed the scenery of email promotions but Digital B2B Services guarantees all our campaigns to be GDPR compliant for you to be protected against any penalties.

Businesses that do not have the expertise or the time to design, implement and follow up email marketing campaigns, can outsource that task to us releasing valuable man-hours and unnecessary stress ensuring GDPR compatibility across all campaigns.

Our email marketing campaigns may include

Email lists set up
Define target markets and customer Segments
Choice of email service provider
Email Marketing objectives
Create corporate templates and send specific number of emails on regular intervals and s
et up Monitoring tools & analytics

Weekly Confidential reports (analysing outcomes in relation to objectives, strategy, recurrence & procedures) can also be included 

Sales leads can be forwarded within 8 hours from arrival.

& build a custom email marketing solution for your business today

Email marketing projects Standards & Ethics

Projects are guaranteed to be compliant with  the standards of the ASAI, the Data Protection Act , the Internet Marketing Association.  and  Our Code Of Excellence

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